Why I Got A Pixie Cut

The all knowing question we've all contemplated...should I get a pixie. My answer is: Yes! Here is why

Getting a pixie is very liberating. My whole life I never thought I would get a pixie cut. 
What if it looks bad? Do I have the right face shape? What if I hate it? How long will it take to grow it out again? All valid questions. I used to have fairly long hair, but I slowly cut it shorter and shorter each month. When It had been cut to a chin length a-line bob, the question arose again. Should I go for it? At first I was worried I wouldn't have the right head shape, but the more pictures I searched up, I realized that there is a pixie cut for every head shape. Another thing to keep in mind is that if you think it looks good, then it does. Confidence is a huge part in rocking the pixie cut. I used to think I wasn't bold enough to pull it off, but I proved myself wrong numerous times. When I finally got my pixie cut, I experienced new levels of confidence. It was really bold and I started very short, but I found myself in love with my new hair.

 Things you should know before getting a pixie: Depending on the cut you get, you could need monthly neck trims. If you go pretty short, the hair will grow at awkward lengths on your neck. A lot of people ask how do you know you need a neck trim, but I usually say...you'll know. You will be able to feel it when you need to get a little trim. The best place I have found to do neck trims is Fantastic Sams. They will usually do them for about $5.

If you've decided to get a pixie cut, it is very important that you don't go to just any salon. For the first time, you may want to go somewhere higher quality or with good reviews. Getting a pixie cut is bold and a big decision, so it should be done right and professionally. I got my first pixie done for a near $30-40 and it was worth every penny. After that, I went to cheaper places to get touch ups every once in a while.

Another helpful tip I learned is that you don't need to spend the money on the fancy wax hair gel or hair spray they will try to sell you at the salons. I did that the first time and got the expensive fancy wax, but after that ran out, I opted for some target brand generic hair gel and ended up liking that a lot more. 

It's been about a year since I got my pixie and I have tried a lot of different styles (pictures down below) and that is the fun thing about the pixie cut, there are so many different ways to do it! I am still loving it a year later and have enjoyed the journey of it all. I love what my first cut has evolved into and I am loving the current style I have found.  

I got my pixie cut because I needed a change in my life. I had recently gone though something quite traumatic in my life and as funny as it may seem, getting a pixie cut changed my life. I became so much more confident. I was more social and authentic, which led to meeting new friends. I think that everyone should try a pixie at least once in their life.


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