Why You Should Take A Language Class In High School and College

Everyone takes a language class in middle school. Maybe you took a year of German or a year of Spanish. You would be surprised at how little continue the language they started. Most take a language because it is a requirement. I did the dual immersion program for 5 years in elementary school learning Spanish. The thing is...

I didn't learn much Spanish.

I thought that I would continue with Spanish in junior high and continue speaking it in high school as well. Obviously that didn't happen and I know little to no Spanish. Instead I went to the awkward seventh grade assembly to be welcomed into the new school. They had presentations from various teachers. When the language teachers came up to present, I saw and heard from the Spanish teacher. I was thinking "okay sure, this guy is chill. I guess I'll take Spanish?". After the Spanish teacher presented, I heard from the French teacher. Immediately I felt this weird feeling of inspiration? Whatever it was, it practically screamed at me to take French.

After the assembly, I went home to register for classes and before I knew it, I had signed up for French 1. I felt as sure as a 12/13 year old could about something. Soon enough, school started and I walked right in to the French room with the little self confidence I had. The teacher introduced himself and taught us how to introduce ourselves in French. I gave it a shot and to my surprise, my accent didn't stink. It was quite funny to hear all these awkward middle school kids spitting all over the place trying to pronounce the words in an over exaggerated manor. The year went by quickly and I did very well in my French class. Better than I ever did in Spanish. This is a lesson within itself, being that if one language doesn't work out, there are so many others for you to try and the right one for you will come naturally.

My eighth grade year I took French 2, then French 3 in 9th and slowly climbed to the top of my class. After I had graduated from junior high, I was ready to sign up for high school. I enrolled in AP French. At this point, I never thought that my seventh grade self would have done me such a huge favor in the future.

Now that the little back story is over, I can get into the purpose of this article. Taking a language in high school and sticking with it through to college is beneficial, not just because you will know two language, even though that is a plus. It scientifically improves cognitive skills. You will see improvements in your memory, multi tasking, brain power, confidence, academic enhancements, etc. With learning a foreign language, your first language can actually improve as well.

Learning French has really boosted my creativity and confidence. Learning a foreign language isn't just about the language itself, but you learn and expand your knowledge of different cultures. It is important to learn about cultures outside of your own and culture is a big part of new languages. After going through with it during junior high and high school, it has brought me to taking the language in college at UVU now. I only love the language more and more every day. Being bilingual can really help you in future careers. Having that skill available can differentiate you from someone that may have the same abilities.

Learning another language can create opportunities for studying abroad in foreign countries that you may not come about every day. There are so many programs for language students that can let you travel the world and have experiences you would never have imagined yourself doing. There are also exchange student programs that you will be able to qualify for as well. Learning a foreign language has really broadened my view on many things and given me many opportunities I didn't think I'd ever have.

I also love the amount of friends I've made through this process. Something about learning a new language on the same level of a group of people and being completely lost can really bond you to other struggling students. I have some of my best memories of frantically studying vocabulary and practicing for the horrifying oral exams.

My overall point is, learn a foreign language and stick with it! It will open so many doors to so many things, improve your overall academic performance, and confidence.


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